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Napoli, 5 febbraio: Prima o poi mi sposo (The Wedding Planner)

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"i Di Fiore FOTOGRAFI sono i miei Fotografi"

Di seguito gli interventi pubblicati in questa sezione, in ordine cronologico.

Articolo del 04/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 1298 Volte

difiorefotografi - Napoli, Portici: Lucia con il fratello. Wedding - Matrimonio


Articolo del 05/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 1335 Volte

difiorefotografi - Naples, Sorrento: le damigelle. Wedding - Matrimonio


Articolo del 06/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 1372 Volte

difiorefotografi - Naples, Sorrento: Villa Comunale, Gino e Francesca. Wedding - Matrimonio


Articolo del 06/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 9349 Volte

difiorefotografi - Salerno, Castel San Giorgio: Villa Soglia. La sala. Wedding - Matrimonio


Articolo del 07/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 1216 Volte

difiorefotografi - Napoli, il flautista.


Articolo del 08/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 1582 Volte

difiorefotografi - Napoli, Torre del Greco: Matrimonio a Villa Balke. Particolari e Attimi.


Articolo del 09/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 10054 Volte

difiorefotografi - Salerno, Vietri, località Raito: Matrimonio Hotel Raito. Wedding


Articolo del 10/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 1466 Volte

difiorefotografi - Salerno, Positano: Gli sposi in macchina. Wedding - Matrimonio.


Articolo del 11/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 2869 Volte

difiorefotografi - Napoli, Posillipo, Villa Fattorusso: Peppe e Carmen. Wedding - Matrimonio


Articolo del 12/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 4294 Volte

difiorefotografi - Italy, Salerno, Ravello: Reportage Villa Cimbrone. Wedding - Matrimonio

The History of Villa Cimbrone

The Villa has been home to many famous names from the world of art, science and politics. It was a meeting place of the English on the Amalfi coast and for the famous London Bloomsbury set. To mention just a few illustrious guests: E.M. Forster, Lytton Strachey, Keynes, Henry Moore, Elliot, Crick, Piaget, Virginia Woolf, D.H. Lawrence, the Duke and Duchess of Kent and Winston Churchill. It was the setting for the famous elopement of actress Greta Garbo and Leopold Stokowsky and has also played host to many important scientific and medical meetings at an international level.
Reliable notes about Villa Cimbrone exist since around the eleventh century and they merge with those of the golden age of Ravello. The origins of its name derive from the rocky ridge on which it stands known as ‘cimbronium’. As a patrician villa, it belonged to a noble family called Accongiogioco and then to the Fusco, a wealthy and influential family related to the Pitti of Florence and the Angio of Naples. Around the seventeenth century, the fate of the villa becomes unclear. At some stage it became an integral part of a nearby monastery of the Santa Chiara, hence the papal coat of arms of Cardinal Della Rovere placed at the top of the old entrance gate. There was a church in the vicinity, known as S. Angelo de Cimbrone also owned by the Fusco’s in 1291. At the end of the nineteenth century, Ernest William Beckett, an illustrious English gentleman later known as Lord Grimthorpe, fell desperately in love with the villa while on the Grand Tour, searching for the roots of Western history and culture. In 1904, he purchased it from the Amici’s of Atrani who had inherited the villa in the second half of the nineteenth century.
Inspired by the deep affection he felt for the villa, he decided to make it come alive again by transforming it into a splendid jewel and the most gorgeous place in the world. He was assisted in the fulfilment of this dream by an inhabitant in Ravello, Nicola Mansi, whom he had met in England and to who he entrusted the completion of the renovation work. Nicola was a creative personality who was able to manifest the vision of his client. The resulting garden was praised in the nineteenth century by Gregorovius in his notes as ‘incomparable…where the most beautiful flowers you can imagine flourished, coming from numerous plants of the South… redesigned and enriched with countless…ornamental features, small temples, pavilions, bronze and stone statues’. Lord Grimthorpe availed himself of a French botanist for the choice of the trees and cultivation of flower beds. According to recent studies, it is believed that the English botanist Vita Sackville-West – a friend of one of Beckett’s daughters – may have participated in the planning of the garden. She was in turn a friend and admirer of the famous gardening expert Gertrude Jekyll, whose numerous books are kept in the Villa’s private library.
A few years ago, the Villa’s frescoed halls and historical rooms became a renowned hotel, under the expert guidance of the Vuilleumier family,who had owned the property as a private house for many years previously. It is here that important personalities stay in search of exclusivity and blissful peace. Thanks to the unique atmosphere of the place, the refined service, and the direct management of its owners, visitors are made to feel like guests in a private house. The splendid gardens, and the rooms, with their ancient stone fireplaces provide an ideal setting for conventions, ceremonies and meetings as well as the perfect place for private respite and pampering.

fonte: www.villacimbrone.com

Articolo del 14/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 1916 Volte

difiorefotografi - Napoli, Ercolano: L'arrivo degli sposi a Villa Signorini. Wedding - Matrimonio


Articolo del 15/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 1138 Volte

difiorefotografi - Benevento, Sant'Agata De' Goti: la bicicletta...


Articolo del 16/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 4029 Volte

difiorefotografi - Napoli, Posillipo: Giuseppe e Carmen sposi a Villa Fattorusso. Wedding - Matrimonio


Articolo del 17/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 2171 Volte

difiorefotografi - Napoli, Pompei: Ivana sorridente. Wedding - Matrimonio


Articolo del 18/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 1531 Volte

difiorefotografi - Napoli, Portici: Antonio e Rosalia. Wedding - Matrimonio


Articolo del 18/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 4146 Volte

difiorefotografi - Napoli, Torre del Greco: Colle san Alfonso. Wedding - Matrimonio


Articolo del 18/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 1012 Volte

difiorefotografi - Napoli, veduta Costiera Sorrentina dal colle san Alfonso. Wedding


Articolo del 18/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 1199 Volte

difiorefotografi - Napoli, Pompei: lo sguardo della bambina. Wedding - Matrimonio


Articolo del 19/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 1272 Volte

difiorefotografi - Napoli, Amalfi: passeggiata sulla darsena. Wedding - Matrimonio


Articolo del 20/01/2008 Pubblicato in fotografie Letto 1295 Volte

difiorefotografi - Napoli, Portici: Alessia e le amiche. Wedding - Matrimonio


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