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Richard Avedon

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"i Di Fiore FOTOGRAFI sono i miei Fotografi"

Articolo del 01/05/2008 Pubblicato in attualitā Letto 1062 Volte

Nano Photos Rival Modern Art.

By Aaron Rowe

Every six months, the Materials Research Society celebrates the most eye-catching images found in the course of their researchers' studies -- celebrating the serendipitous convergence of science and art. Materials researchers may struggle for years with stubborn instruments, fragile crystals or difficult chemical reactions before obtaining a bit of precious data from the exotic substances they study.

Now, the scrutiny of samples not only yields potentially important data, but also artistic inspiration.
Take a look at the latest finalists. Left: Looking like a tumor or the cross-section of a brain, this image of a polymer was created by Muruganathan Ramanathan at the Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois.
A postdoctoral scholar, Ramanathan made an ultrathin film of the beautiful substance, patterned it with oxygen-reactive-ion etching and used heat and solvents to make it more crystalline. The result looks more like modern art than the results of a wry scientific study.

Image courtesy Materials Research Society

fonte: www.wired.com

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