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Articolo del 16/12/2007 Pubblicato in attualitā Letto 1385 Volte

difiorefotografi - Wedding in Italy.

Weddings in Italy
How to get married in Italy.

There really is no grander or more spectacular wedding destination than Italy anywhere in the world. No other country offers so many rich options for couples wishing to get married overseas.
The reputation of Italy is only out done by the reality. So whether you choose the rolling countryside of Tuscany, the aquatic elegance of Venice, the artistic romance of Florence and Rome or any of the dozens of spectacular locations - Italy will provide the perfect backdrop for your perfect wedding.
Civil & Religious weddings are both available for couples from outside Italy.
In most countries, Civil weddings usually take place in bland government buildings, but Italy Civil weddings take place in grand palaces or historic villas owned by the local government of the area.
In Rome you can get married the magnificent Campidoglio which was designed by Michelangelo.
In Venice you can marry overlooking the Grand Canal from a beautiful palace. Exchange your vows from a ornate villa overlooking Europe's most beautiful views on the Amalfi Coast.
And…Why not arrive by boat at a villa on the placid Lake Como - with views of medieval ancient castles?
As you would expect from a nation with the world's finest architecture, Church weddings and other religious weddings also have many magnificent locations. The choices for a wedding in Italy just go on and on.
The range of options for a Italian wedding is truly spectacular. Choosing which location you want to get married in Italy will certainly be your biggest problem!
Getting married in Italy need not be as difficult as it sounds. With some good advice and direction, plus understanding what type of wedding you want, you really can have an fantastic Italian wedding which you and your guests will never forget.

in collaborazione con la dott.ssa Liliana Castello.

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